Thursday 30 January 2014

T D Jakes -- Exceptionalism

"Is not this Joseph's son." (John 6:42)

What are they saying to you that's stopping you from fulfilling your destiny.

Will you be limited to how other people define you?
Do you have the courage to break of?

 People will always judge by your past,
 where you're from,
 who your parents are,
 how you struggled in your up-bringing.
But in God's eyes you are exceptional, you are NOT your past

Just because you are in it, doesn't mean you're of it

Where you come from doesn't determine  your NOW, or how you should live're exceptional.

We hear that you're doing great things, why is it that you don't do them here??

A prophet is without honour in his own country (Mark 6:4), because of how they view him, not how he views himself.
 You are a carpenter's son, who are  you to talk like that.
Who are you to drive that car?
 who are you to be going to school, when we all didn't?
Who are you to have that job?


and you motto in life, should be:
They all lived that way, except ME
They all didn't go to school, except ME
They were all unsuccessful , except ME
They all died, except ME
They were all poor, except ME 
They all had a generational disease/curse, except for ME

Just because it runs through your family , doesn't mean it runs through your body.
It doesn't matter what all these people say about you, but there are always exceptions to the rule, some rules are meant to be broken.
Doesn't matter what you went through, or what your parents went through, we break that curse today.

The question is, are you going to stay in that state or you will choose to be exceptional

Every time an exceptional person dwells among ordinary people there's always going to be conflict.

  Don't try to get along with people who think ordinary, God made you to be exceptional.

I am Sir_BB (Exceptional not Ordinary)

Wednesday 15 January 2014

When a woman is loved

When a woman is loved, words cannot handle the situation
They cannot reveal the simplicity of the complication
She becomes beyond meaningful definition an abstract work of art
Everything is too cliché to put your finger on it
And poetry will not be enough; in fact it will be unnecessary
For the very toes on her feet will scribble art pieces in her path
Her veins will be a new form of vocabulary
Her breath will speak into existence the fantasies of her childhood
Her heartbeat will be the instrumental to her soul’s floetry
See, the pounding of her heart will be like a jembe
The jembe sound will be music to her bones
And the bending of her bones will be an unceasing dance
The dancing will bring clarity of the music in her head
Her head and her feet will be completely in sync
And the thudding of her feet will be an expression of her beauty
Her beauty will be redefined unconfined
For the texture of her skin will become as supple as the interior of her womb
And her soul will become more visible than her eyes
Her shadow will mascara her body
Her hair will accessorize her face
Her eyelashes will frame her vision
So that only perfection will touch her sclera
And her sclera will be as white and bright as the fullness of the moon
Her fullness will absorb her beholder
And when she loves him
She will turn her mind inside out and put her head over her heels
Yes she will go crazy-maaad crazy
And impossible comes within the reach of her weaker arm
She takes the inadequate and sufficiently trickles it down her spirit
And it reaches her lover without interference
Because the service provider connecting her to him is kept available at all peak and off peak hours
And the peak her connection reaches is beyond times measure
Hours won’t matter yes days won’t matter and years will seem like minutes
She lives in a timeless time zone
Yes she’s gone crazy maaad crazy because she is loved.

She will no longer need words to explain her interior
Because her interior becomes exterior, extraordinary extravagant
Expandable, exciting ...excruciatingly attractive,
Exactly the kind that makes you exaggeratedly 
Try to make every word rhyme when explaining her state of ecstasy
But she will not need words because
Her voice will be a beautiful monotone
Even when she does not sing even when she does not speak even when her lips are not apart
Her smile will be immaculate even when her face is expressionless, even if she were asleep
When a woman is loved, she becomes music
And if music be the food of love, PLAY ON!
Let her jembe beat and her bones dance
Let her feet extensively express the madness of her mind
Which is turned inside out and upside down.
To reflect the moon in her eyes and the rhythm in her head
Let her heart burst out into flames of emotion that can burn out
Oceans of hurtful memories
Because now she is loved.

Written and Perfomed by:
Wadzanai Chiuriri - aka BlackPearl

****A powerful black sister******

Friday 10 January 2014

The Book Resource Desk

This is the Doc's Book resource desk for your convinince, you'll need to get this knowledge and not be ignorant, this will change your life for the better! :)

  • 1)  Advanced sex position (Explicit position for explosive lovemaking) - Randi Foxx
  • 2)  How to Blow Her Mind in Bed (The essential guide for any man who wants to satisfy his woman)  - Siski Green
  • 3) Porn Star Secrets of Sex - Jeni West
  • 4) Powerful Sex Foods & Stimulants -  John Year Ital
  • 5) Why Women Have Sex (Understanding Sexual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge) -  CINDY M. MESTON, PH.D
  • 6) Why Men Love Bitches - Sherry Argov
  • 7) Erotic Massage (The Tantric Touch of Love) - Kenneth Ray Stubbs
  • 8) Guide to Female Orgarsms  - Emily Nagoski (PHD)
  • 9) Guide to Orally pleasing women  - Mark Coriddi
  • 10) How to Become an Alpha Male -  John Alexander
  • 11) How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less - Nicholas Boothman
  • 12) Make Women Laugh - Martin Merrill
  • 13) I Think, Therefore I Laugh-Mantesh 
  • 14) The pandora's Box - Audio 
  • 15) The Complete Idiot's Guide To Amazing - Sari Locker
  • 16) 1001 Sexcapades to Do If You Dare -  Bobby Dempsey 
  • 17) Act like a lady, Think like a man - Steve Harvey 
  • 18) How to Make Love All Night - Dr. Barbara Keesling
  • 19) Sectrets of fascinating womanhood - Nancy Campbell
  • 20) The Secret - By Rhonda Byrne
  • 21)  Kamasutra - Anne Hooper
  • 22)  Great Sex Notes (76 ways to please,tease ,excite and ignite)
  • 23)  30 days to a sexier you (A self help guide for low female libido)
  • 24) Who should you have sex with (The secrets to great sexual chemistry) - Dr Mark Thompson

to download all these books, just follow the link below..

click here to access all these books..

***you can thank me later...****

Thursday 9 January 2014

7 Surprising Reasons You Didn’t Get An Interview For The Job

It’s natural to wonder the reasons you didn’t get an interview – or perhaps make it to the second round – for a job you thought was a perfect fit. While I always feel it’s best to ask the hiring manager what went wrong, do a little self-analysis first. Didn’t get a call back for the job?

1. You Didn’t Follow-Up, And Someone Else Did

At every part of the job search process, it’s important to follow up with the hiring manager. My general rule of thumb is to state you will follow up in one week on your cover letter. Thereafter, it’s appropriate to follow up once a week for a few weeks. You can e-mail the manager, give them a call, or even write them a small thank you note and drop it in the mail. A follow-up can make the difference between landing a job and being another submission in the pile.

2. You Didn’t Sell Yourself

When you walked into the interview, were you just desperate for a job, any job? Hiring managers can tell if you aren’t necessarily interested in their open position, and they will ask you questions accordingly. You need to be prepared to answer what your short-term and long-term goals are, how you can help the company and why your past experience makes you ready for this position. You also need to identify any weaknesses or areas of inexperience you have. Tell the hiring manager why they don’t need to worry about these.

3. The Position Was Filled By An Employee Referral

More often than not, referrals end up getting the job over online applicants.

4. You Didn’t Seem Passionate Or Interested Enough

Did you ask questions about the organization? Did you research it well, and identify how you can be of service to the company? Although job searching can be a frustrating and long process, you still need to convey your interest for the organization and position in order to seem like an ideal candidate.

5. You Didn’t Listen

A big red flag to a hiring manager is a candidate who doesn’t really answer the questions they’re asking. You need to be completely focused on all aspects of your search, whether it’s an e-mail correspondence or an interview.

6. You Didn’t Have Any Stories To Share

When managers ask about specific situations you’ve been in or mistakes you’ve made, you need to have a few interesting stories ready to tell them. Compile these stories from past experience and education.

7. You Didn’t Seem Natural

Smile. Relax. Take a breath. These sound simple—but many people can’t seem to do them in an interview! A hiring manager wants to get to know you, the real you. Although you still need to be professional, don’t be afraid to act naturally and be relatable.

Bleluk Life-Coaching

Fight Fair! 6 Simple Conflict Resolution Skills for Your Marriage

Like most good advice, these rules for fighting fair are provided in the form of a great acronym: FIGHTS.

Face each other

Look into each others eyes as you discuss problems.
This is particularly difficult for those who are used to guerrilla warfare – shouting some nasty comment, slamming down the phone or slamming a door – leaving no room for discussion because your partner is absent.  However, two people can be in the same room and still be absent.
Put down the paper or turn off the TV, and come out of hiding.  You both need to participate.

Ignore distractions

Focus on resolving only the problem at hand.   Avoid raising side issues.

Guard your tongue

Avoid ridiculing and name-calling.
Name-calling is like swearing, and it attacks your partner’s character.  Once name-calling enters the fight, your partner won’t hear anything you say, no matter how right you might be.
He becomes too busy thinking about how to defend himself instead of listening to you.

Hold the history

“You always”, “why can’t you ever”, and “you never” are examples of history.  And history doesn’t belong in your arguments.
Bringing up history indicates to your partner that nothing will ever change and that the past has not been forgiven or forgotten.


Hold hands.  This position softens the heart and makes us feel vulnerable to each other.
We are more willing to be reasonable and caring than to win at all costs when we hold hands.

Stay in there

Finish the fight.  Don’t go to bed with unresolved anger.
Finally, you must be open to compromise.  You can walk hand-in-hand without always seeing eye-to-eye.
If you and your spouse take these rules to heart during a calm time,  you can set healthy ground rules for conflict resolution that will serve you well in your marriage.
When you and your wife  argue and come to realize that we’re out of bounds and not following the “fighting fair guidelines”, one of you should say “we’re not fighting fair” !
Then we get back to actually working to resolve the real issue.

PURPOSE OF PRAYER - Dr. Myles Munroe

 This is a very powerful teaching that teaches you prayer fundamentals.

-Why do you need to pray at all, God is God and He is powerful, so why do we pray?
-How do you pray?
-What happens in heaven when you pray?

 Oh my gosh.....

-Prayer is God receiving a license from man (YOU), to interfere on the earth.

-God heals your body for His sake, he needs to use your body because God is spirit and he made a vow to man that he wouldn't interfere on earth, so God needs a body to operate on earth, through your body.

-God needs your body to be legal on earth


Wednesday 8 January 2014

Principles for Male & Female Relationships - Dr. Myles Munroe

This is such a profound message that needs to be heard by couples in this generation. Such an awsome revelation.

*How do you build a lasting relationship/marriage with your spouse?
*What are couples doing wrong that results in such a high of breakup or divorce?

Here's what i picked up from this message

-Don't just get married for the sake of it, make sure you marry the right person

-You need to marry a man who know who he is, who has a good self image

- You man should be working, cultivating  and providing

- Don't marry someone who cant improve you or add value to your life. You don't marry someone who decreases you value

- A true man is a protector, he protects females
- A real man knows God and reads his word

- A good woman encourages his man in all these things, he builds him without controlling him

-Real men worship God

-A woman is supposed to be a HELPER to the husband, you don't take over and dictate his life

- Women, submit to your man's vision if you want to have a lasting relationship

-A woman is an incubator - what ever you put inside it, she gives it back to you. A woman receives something multiplies it, and gives it back to you.

-Most men are afraid to go home early, they'd rather go to the pub and drink with guys that encourage them and uplift them. They need that encouragement to go home to face the one that destroys it

-A woman is supposed to make the home such a comfortable place such that he cant wait to get home.

-Don't put pressure on the man, to do things that he cant afford.strop complaining , but keep encouraging him. You cannot have everything you see or want

-The number one need of a male is SEX. thats normal

-A womans number one need is AFFECTION. affection is NOT sex

- A marriage is a good as the male and female singles that are in it

*a guy comes to you and says  "The Lord told me to marry you", thats a big LIE.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Only darkies :)

1. Are engaged for 5 years or more.
2. Never bother to divorce. They just separate for the rest of their lives.
3. Are late to church, work, and everything else, EXCEPT when the "club" is free before 11:0PM.
4. Refer to diabetes as "SHUGELA OR ISIFO SESHUGELA".
5. Wait for movies to premier on SABC\eTV
6. Drive slowly around town just looking for someone so they can say "Hola seven."
7. Show up at weddings, baby showers, graduation, birthday parties, etc. with a new outfit on, with their nails and hair done, but don’t bring a present for that occasion.
8. In relation to #7, they eat like dogs and take a DOGGIE BAG.
9. Consider "clubbing" as a monthly expense.
10. Leave bills (instead of insurance) behind for surviving relatives.
11. Have at least one relative with a criminal record.
12. Will borrow money for a big wedding reception, then live in a municipality four room with no furniture.

13. Have mothers who can use swear words and religion ALL IN ONE SENTENCE.
For example, "Thixo wam, lekaka lomntwana iyawazinyele." and "Awe Jesu wam awubheke okuNokuthula sekuma namadoda kusekuncane, akufebi nje kwenzokunye"
14. Swear that the nigerian man selling carpets out of a van gives them the best deals!
15. Have at least one neighbour that "was almost a soccer star"
16. Spend the car insurance money on everything, EXCEPT getting the dent fixed.
17. Invite co-workers and all of their friends to their child’s 1 year party, which happens to have a professional DJ, alcohol but only about 3 kids and 50 adults in attendance.
18. Have children who are great singers and dancers, but failing at school.
19. Will drive a Lexus, Merc, BMW or Jaguar AND live in a bachelor flat or rent a house or ARE STILL staying with their Mum.
20. Come over to your house at 8:00 in the morning to "borrow" a cup of sugar.
21. Will pull up in the church car park blasting out RJ Benjamin’s Change the World on their stereo.
22. Will display the labels in designer suits to wear to a class reunion and try to return it the next day after spilling beer on it, only to tell the sales person it didn’t fit.
23. Will have on a new outfit every time you see them, but when you ask them for the money they owe you they always say, "Don’t have it."
24. Play R 100 worth of lottery numbers a week but won’t invest in the stock & shares. (It’s tooooo risky!!)

Don’t feel offended i’m also a darkie person   :D

Why men love Bitches (Book review)

 This is an excellent relationship book, which will help women understand what attracts men to a certain calibre of women. It will in essence help men understand themselves and WHY they do some things that they do.

A "Bitch" as defined in this book is  :
A woman who won’t bang her head against the wall obsessing over someone else’s opinion— be it a man or anyone else in her life. She understands that if someone does not approve of her, it’s just one person’s opinion; therefore, it’s of no real importance. She doesn’t try to live up to anyone else’s standards— only her own. Because of this, she relates to a man very differently."

 (there a more definitions extracted from the book at the bottom of this page!)

 Here is a summary of the attraction principles that you should learn from this book:

  • Ladies, “Studies have concluded that what men look for is . . . appearance, chemistry, and the way a woman carries herself.” What a shocker!
  • "Before sex, a man isn’t thinking clearly and a woman is thinking clearly. After sex, it reverses. The man is thinking clearly and the woman isn’t..."
  • ‎"Unlike the nice girl, the bitch believes that she has much more to offer than just her sexuality. So she has sex when the feeling strikes her—if and when she’s comfortable with the relationship. She is plenty sexy, which is precisely why she doesn’t throw it out there as if it’s all she has..."
  • ‎"A quality guy will stick around as long as he is being reassured in two areas: He wants to know that he is sexually desirable to you, and he wants to see signs that he is still in “the game.” As long as he can see the light at the end of the tunnel, he’ll continue to make his way down the tunnel..."
  • "One of the biggest mistakes the nice girl makes is she competes with other women. She may ask him about another woman in the room, “Is she pretty?” Or, she may be competing with whatever she thinks he fantasizes about: a model, a centerfold, a stripper, or a porn star."
  • ‎"The bitch doesn’t usually define herself by outside standards. But often, women who are too nice are too busy trying to measure up.When a woman is too concerned with performance issues in bed,she completely forgets why she’s there in the first place. It’s not sex; it’s “animation” time."
  • ‎"It is much more of a turn-on to a man when a woman is able to be herself and she’s honest about what she likes and dislikes. A man loves watching a woman get off; it’s an automatic turn-on. And that’s much more important than putting on an award-winning performance."
  • ‎"A quality guy fantasizes about a woman who genuinely loves sex..."
  • ‎"Any time a woman competes with another woman, she demeans herself..."
  • "In order to motivate a man to give, he must feel good when he gives. He wants to feel appreciated and revered. Ego is the reason men go to war. It’s the reason they build large corporations. Ego is the reason they stick needles in their butts at the gym before lifting heavy weights. It’s the reason they beg, steal, and borrow. And ego is the reason they fall in love..."
  •  ‎"Let him think he’s in control. He’ll automatically start doing things you want done because he’ll always want to look like “a king” in your eyes..."
  • When you appear softer and more feminine,you appeal to his instinct to protect.When you appear more aggressive, you appeal to his instinct to compete.
  • Men need a little coaching, and the way to coach them is to praise them when they behave well. A man’s favorite word? “Best.”It doesn’t matter if you say, “Honey, you eat those beer nuts the best—like no one I have ever met in my life.” Use the word best,and you’ll always have his full attention.
  • Women who are successful in other areas of life are often the ones who find themselves saying, “I should not have to apologize for being strong.” Then the following week they wonder why they“can’t find a good man.” Because a good man wants a good w-o-m-a-n. Being a bitch does not mean you lose your femininity. And it also doesn’t mean you overtly try to wear the pants in the house. It just means you don’t allow anyone to walk all over you.
  • Women are much more likely to cancel plans. Men don’t give up“boys’ night out.” Men don’t give up their work, or their sleep, or their food
  • The bitch never tries that hard to make an impression.
  • The bitch is not governed by fear of losing a man, because she knows the real price to pay is when she loses herself.
  • “Love thyself first, and your neighbor will be happier living next to you.
  • The nice girl gives away too much of herself.when pleasing him regularly becomes more important than pleasing herself
  • When a man takes a woman for granted,he still looks for reassurance that she is still “right there.
  • A man can’t correlate sexual feelings with feelings for his mother.So be careful of the female figure that you become in his life. To stay his lover, you have to keep him on his toes. This behavior incites his interest and makes him come your way. He is happier being your lover than he is when you become his mother
  • “Guys are just as emotional as women are. They just don’t show it because society says you aren’t supposed to. As a guy, you have to appear to be in control of yourself ”.
  • “If you appear weak, people take advantage of you. So men think if you open up too much, a woman will use it against you.”
  • Just once I would like to have a woman take my hand and lead me to the bedroom. Guys always have to be the aggressors. We always have to do the work to get a woman ‘in the mood.’ Sometimes guys just don’t want to have to work that hard.”
  • I like a woman who can put me in my place. If I’m being a jerk and she brings it to my attention, it makes me respect her.”
  • “A man respects a woman who won’t tolerate being treated badly”
  • Men often automatically assume that a bitchier woman will be more assertive in bed, and that a nice girl will be more timid.
  • You have to show that you won’t accept mistreatment. Then you will keep his respect.
  • Regardless of how pretty a woman is, looks alone will not sustain his respect. Appearance may pull him in, but it is your independence that will keep him turned on.
  • The more independent you are of him,the more interested he will be.
  • ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #93 - Once you start laughing, you start healing.
  • ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #100 - The most attractive quality of all is dignity.

 More definitions of a "Bitch"

 A bitch is not a woman who speaks in a harsh tone of voice. It is not a woman who is abrasive or rude.

1. She maintains her independence.It doesn’t matter if she is the CEO of a company or a waitress at Denny’s. She earns an honest living. She has honor, and she isn’t standing there with her hand out.

2. She doesn’t pursue him.The moon and the sun and the stars don’t revolve around him. She doesn’t make her dates with him when her horoscope advises that his big Mercury is about to retrograde in her little Venus. She doesn’t chase him or keep tabs on him. He is not the center of the world.

3. She is mysterious.There is a difference between honesty and disclosure. She is honest but does not reveal everything. She isn’t verbally putting her cards on the table. Familiarity breeds contempt and predictability breeds boredom.

4. She leaves him wanting.She doesn’t see him every night or leave long messages on his machine. She isn’t on a first-name basis with his secretary in one week. Men equate longing with love. Longing is good.

5. She doesn’t let him see her sweat.She keeps communication from getting messy and avoids communicating when upset. When she clears her head, she is succinct and speaks in a “bottom line” way.

6. She remains in control of her time.She takes it slowly, especially when he wants to hurry. She moves to her rhythm, not his, preventing him from taking control of her.

7. She maintains a sense of humor.A sense of humor lets him know she is detached. However,she doesn’t treat disrespect as a laughing matter.

8. She places a high value on herself.When he gives her a compliment, she says thank you. She doesn’t talk him out of it. She doesn’t ask what the ex looked like and doesn’t compete with other women.

9. She is passionate about something other than him.When he feels he isn’t the “be all and end all” of her existence, it makes her more desirable. Staying busy ensures she isn’t resentful if he is unavailable. He doesn’t have a monopoly on the rent space in her head.

10. She treats her body like a finely tuned machine.She maintains her appearance and health. A person’s self-respect is reflected in how he or she maintains physical appearance. If he tells her he doesn’t like red lipstick, she wears it anyway, if it makes her feel good.

*Why men love Bitches - Sherry Argov* 
#A must read book#

Male vs Female Brain


Women - Multiple processWomens brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook.

Men - Single ProcessMens brains designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.


Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 yeard old boy.


Mens brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.


While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.


When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Womans super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Mens brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.So guys, do not lie face to face.


If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.


Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...


If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.


Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.


Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking.

Machine gun Preacher (movie review)

This movie taught me there are people in worse situations than we are out there, but somehow our cries are louder than theirs, WHY??There's hunger, war and severe disease- extreme poverty, but these people still have HOPE and FAITH. They still look forward to waking up every day and never give up.

so what gives you the right to give up on your own life??

instead of being a cry-baby all the time, do something productive with your life and take time to bless someone's life, give to the less fortunate, show some love.Donate those old clothes to charity and just be a blessing to someone.
sometimes we're just too selfish and self-centerd to realise how blessed we to even have those little things like shelter and food on our tables!!

One kind gesture can change someones life forever!!!

"if you allow yourself to be full of hate, then they've won; we must not allow them to take our hearts" - Quote from a 10 year old Sudanese boy who watched his parents get killed by rebels

*This is one of my all time favourite movies *

The Power of Association

The Power of Association is too real:
"The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.

Consider this: Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange idea
s with the wrong person. Don't follow anyone who is not going anywhere. With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it. Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl, but if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.

"A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses." The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad. Note: Be not mistaken. This is applicable to family as well as friends".

-Colin Powell.

Mama was the best

Mama was never perfect, but her greatness eluminated in her imperfections.
My mama was no queen in the kitchen
Far from it

The inedible kabish, spinish with phalish
Love the ingredient with which she served it.
Mama was the best
Even though she was a big baby
Who can blame her, at 15 she was just a bad baby
She was bestest
Even though she would leave me through the night, come back in the morning,
Alcohol ingestion that came back and breastfed me
Sharing istorm with me
You see? My mama was caring!
Mama was the greatest!
Well. Because I never knew my father,
Come to think of it, she too never knew my father.
Well... That explained all the strange men, who frequented our shack, when night fell
Mama was just tryna find my dad
Who could fault such assertiveness!
Mama was so rightous
Could not read, but knew a scripture in the book of proverbs
Which said she could spank me
Every night she got beat or drunk.
Mama never went to church
But every other night we was fastin
Prayed to the sounds of Brenda Fassie
We'd fast for three days at a time
She'd ensure there was no food in the house to break our fast.
Mama was the best
Because she could fly
Went out every night and fought the evil from her past.
But on this night, while battling the evil of fear with beer.
She was shot off the sky and died
And now they say she jumped off the bridge, commited suicide.
Wrote a note saying she got tired of being alive!
But I know thats a lie
Coz my mama was the best in the eye of her son


Confirm My Worth!

Its the pounce in my step, that affirms my sexiness you say. Its the lisp in my speech, that deforms my intelligence but does God feel the same way? How we think people think about how we are, when we should be thinking of how God thinks of us, isn't that what matters at the end of the day?

How we want to have a powerful aura yet We painting shadows, making wind statues with clay and in darkness we sway. Real is confused with natural. we seek worth in places that are also seeking worth in night break and midday.

Its how we hide the fact that we are constantly on a husband hunt. Unconsciously seeking affirmation pretending to be gay. We create homes where we are not willing to stay. Create identity in the wee hours of each Sunday. Hey!! Confirm my worth, I wanna know if you think I'm okay. "Do you think the gap between my teeth is sexy?" "Do you think the kink in my natural hair makes me sassy?"

Hey!!! Confirm my worth, I wanna hear you say "my African Princess you ARE okay." "I know I am, but I wanna hear it from you!" When our mind converses with our heart this is what our souls say... Hey!! Confirm my worth because I'm not sure if I'm really okay... Yes we are the same, none of us is willing to say we are trotting on the same way...

Unconsciously we constantly say, "hey! confirm my worth, world I wanna know if you think I'm okay."

*Naledi Khanya Chirwa WaJeso*

Building your Inner Strength

At these times of unprecedented change and challenge, many are taking the opportunity to reevaluate their lives. Is the work you are doing truly serving you? Are your priorities where you want them to be? Would you like to be spending more time with your family? Is your life as meaningful as you would like? Are you aware of your personal value?

Personal value - what is that? I am glad you asked. Not the same as "values" which have more to do with how you relate with the world around you.

If you were to ask yourself: what does positive attitude or positive state of mind mean to me? you will come up with your personal philosophy. Being open and honest; communicating with integrity; giving a percentage of your income to charity - all come under personal values.

Personal value is the term I use for inner strength, your innate essence or the human spirit that sustains you throughout your life. Personal value has more to do with who you are, than how you act or behave. Building your inner strength will assist you to succeed in a job interview; to achieve your goals and objectives; to make a positive contribution within your family and community; to be inspired, creative and resourceful.

1. Take time to look withinStart to meditate , learn yoga, spend time in nature and reflect. Just sit, do nothing and observe as you breathe deeply and slowly. Get in touch with your inner nature, the beauty and essence that you are.

2. Affirm your qualitiesWhat qualities make you unique? Enthusiasm, sense of humour, joy, persistence, courage, ability to connect with others? Affirm those in the present tense with "I am" statements. Choose 3 affirmations and repeat them, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. For example:

I am generous with my family and friendsI am caring and considerateI am thoughtful and loving

3. Make agreements you know you can keepBe on time. You will show yourself to be a reliable person. Renegotiate agreements you cannot keep - make fewer of them. You will know yourself as being trustworthy.

4. Learn to say "No"Do not over-commit yourself. Refusing a request is not against anyone else. You are being honest with, and true to, yourself.

5. Accept, appreciate and love yourself through difficultiesWhen your life is in turmoil, you may not do things "perfectly". Give yourself permission to learn. Ask: What can this situation teach me? Remember that at all times, you are doing the best you can. When you know better, you do better.

6. Be forgivingWhen you make a mistake, be tender, kind and compassionate. Do not punish, criticize and condemn yourself. Love and comfort yourself, as you would a precious child.

7. Prize yourselfCelebrate your "wins", the things that go well, and the good that you do. At the end of the day, notice the goodness of your intention and your actions.

8. Do what gives you happinessBe happy with what you do. Choosing to be happy is a great spiritual discipline. When you are walking, smile to yourself. You will find things to smile about.

9. Focus on the positiveEven in the midst of disaster, look for the blessings and opportunity present. With a positive attitude, you can literally turn your life around.

10. Relax and be patientWhile you may not be able to do anything about the global economy as a whole, you can make the most of each day and take steps to build a future you would like. This is not a passive, hopeless enduring, but an active, participative anticipation of a better life for yourself and those you care for.

11. Be open for the bestYou never know what good is right around the next corner. Keep an open and receptive mind. Do not be tempted to believe all you hear on the news. The creative spirit in you, and in our human community, is a very wonderful and extraordinary resource.

12. Say thank you to life....... and for your life. Be grateful. If you feel down, look around you and be grateful for all that you have, right now. The attitude of gratitude will take you through life's worst storms and lead you toward greater joy, serenity and fulfilment.

"What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality."

-Bleluk Life-Coaching