Thursday 2 January 2014

Why men love Bitches (Book review)

 This is an excellent relationship book, which will help women understand what attracts men to a certain calibre of women. It will in essence help men understand themselves and WHY they do some things that they do.

A "Bitch" as defined in this book is  :
A woman who won’t bang her head against the wall obsessing over someone else’s opinion— be it a man or anyone else in her life. She understands that if someone does not approve of her, it’s just one person’s opinion; therefore, it’s of no real importance. She doesn’t try to live up to anyone else’s standards— only her own. Because of this, she relates to a man very differently."

 (there a more definitions extracted from the book at the bottom of this page!)

 Here is a summary of the attraction principles that you should learn from this book:

  • Ladies, “Studies have concluded that what men look for is . . . appearance, chemistry, and the way a woman carries herself.” What a shocker!
  • "Before sex, a man isn’t thinking clearly and a woman is thinking clearly. After sex, it reverses. The man is thinking clearly and the woman isn’t..."
  • ‎"Unlike the nice girl, the bitch believes that she has much more to offer than just her sexuality. So she has sex when the feeling strikes her—if and when she’s comfortable with the relationship. She is plenty sexy, which is precisely why she doesn’t throw it out there as if it’s all she has..."
  • ‎"A quality guy will stick around as long as he is being reassured in two areas: He wants to know that he is sexually desirable to you, and he wants to see signs that he is still in “the game.” As long as he can see the light at the end of the tunnel, he’ll continue to make his way down the tunnel..."
  • "One of the biggest mistakes the nice girl makes is she competes with other women. She may ask him about another woman in the room, “Is she pretty?” Or, she may be competing with whatever she thinks he fantasizes about: a model, a centerfold, a stripper, or a porn star."
  • ‎"The bitch doesn’t usually define herself by outside standards. But often, women who are too nice are too busy trying to measure up.When a woman is too concerned with performance issues in bed,she completely forgets why she’s there in the first place. It’s not sex; it’s “animation” time."
  • ‎"It is much more of a turn-on to a man when a woman is able to be herself and she’s honest about what she likes and dislikes. A man loves watching a woman get off; it’s an automatic turn-on. And that’s much more important than putting on an award-winning performance."
  • ‎"A quality guy fantasizes about a woman who genuinely loves sex..."
  • ‎"Any time a woman competes with another woman, she demeans herself..."
  • "In order to motivate a man to give, he must feel good when he gives. He wants to feel appreciated and revered. Ego is the reason men go to war. It’s the reason they build large corporations. Ego is the reason they stick needles in their butts at the gym before lifting heavy weights. It’s the reason they beg, steal, and borrow. And ego is the reason they fall in love..."
  •  ‎"Let him think he’s in control. He’ll automatically start doing things you want done because he’ll always want to look like “a king” in your eyes..."
  • When you appear softer and more feminine,you appeal to his instinct to protect.When you appear more aggressive, you appeal to his instinct to compete.
  • Men need a little coaching, and the way to coach them is to praise them when they behave well. A man’s favorite word? “Best.”It doesn’t matter if you say, “Honey, you eat those beer nuts the best—like no one I have ever met in my life.” Use the word best,and you’ll always have his full attention.
  • Women who are successful in other areas of life are often the ones who find themselves saying, “I should not have to apologize for being strong.” Then the following week they wonder why they“can’t find a good man.” Because a good man wants a good w-o-m-a-n. Being a bitch does not mean you lose your femininity. And it also doesn’t mean you overtly try to wear the pants in the house. It just means you don’t allow anyone to walk all over you.
  • Women are much more likely to cancel plans. Men don’t give up“boys’ night out.” Men don’t give up their work, or their sleep, or their food
  • The bitch never tries that hard to make an impression.
  • The bitch is not governed by fear of losing a man, because she knows the real price to pay is when she loses herself.
  • “Love thyself first, and your neighbor will be happier living next to you.
  • The nice girl gives away too much of herself.when pleasing him regularly becomes more important than pleasing herself
  • When a man takes a woman for granted,he still looks for reassurance that she is still “right there.
  • A man can’t correlate sexual feelings with feelings for his mother.So be careful of the female figure that you become in his life. To stay his lover, you have to keep him on his toes. This behavior incites his interest and makes him come your way. He is happier being your lover than he is when you become his mother
  • “Guys are just as emotional as women are. They just don’t show it because society says you aren’t supposed to. As a guy, you have to appear to be in control of yourself ”.
  • “If you appear weak, people take advantage of you. So men think if you open up too much, a woman will use it against you.”
  • Just once I would like to have a woman take my hand and lead me to the bedroom. Guys always have to be the aggressors. We always have to do the work to get a woman ‘in the mood.’ Sometimes guys just don’t want to have to work that hard.”
  • I like a woman who can put me in my place. If I’m being a jerk and she brings it to my attention, it makes me respect her.”
  • “A man respects a woman who won’t tolerate being treated badly”
  • Men often automatically assume that a bitchier woman will be more assertive in bed, and that a nice girl will be more timid.
  • You have to show that you won’t accept mistreatment. Then you will keep his respect.
  • Regardless of how pretty a woman is, looks alone will not sustain his respect. Appearance may pull him in, but it is your independence that will keep him turned on.
  • The more independent you are of him,the more interested he will be.
  • ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #93 - Once you start laughing, you start healing.
  • ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #100 - The most attractive quality of all is dignity.

 More definitions of a "Bitch"

 A bitch is not a woman who speaks in a harsh tone of voice. It is not a woman who is abrasive or rude.

1. She maintains her independence.It doesn’t matter if she is the CEO of a company or a waitress at Denny’s. She earns an honest living. She has honor, and she isn’t standing there with her hand out.

2. She doesn’t pursue him.The moon and the sun and the stars don’t revolve around him. She doesn’t make her dates with him when her horoscope advises that his big Mercury is about to retrograde in her little Venus. She doesn’t chase him or keep tabs on him. He is not the center of the world.

3. She is mysterious.There is a difference between honesty and disclosure. She is honest but does not reveal everything. She isn’t verbally putting her cards on the table. Familiarity breeds contempt and predictability breeds boredom.

4. She leaves him wanting.She doesn’t see him every night or leave long messages on his machine. She isn’t on a first-name basis with his secretary in one week. Men equate longing with love. Longing is good.

5. She doesn’t let him see her sweat.She keeps communication from getting messy and avoids communicating when upset. When she clears her head, she is succinct and speaks in a “bottom line” way.

6. She remains in control of her time.She takes it slowly, especially when he wants to hurry. She moves to her rhythm, not his, preventing him from taking control of her.

7. She maintains a sense of humor.A sense of humor lets him know she is detached. However,she doesn’t treat disrespect as a laughing matter.

8. She places a high value on herself.When he gives her a compliment, she says thank you. She doesn’t talk him out of it. She doesn’t ask what the ex looked like and doesn’t compete with other women.

9. She is passionate about something other than him.When he feels he isn’t the “be all and end all” of her existence, it makes her more desirable. Staying busy ensures she isn’t resentful if he is unavailable. He doesn’t have a monopoly on the rent space in her head.

10. She treats her body like a finely tuned machine.She maintains her appearance and health. A person’s self-respect is reflected in how he or she maintains physical appearance. If he tells her he doesn’t like red lipstick, she wears it anyway, if it makes her feel good.

*Why men love Bitches - Sherry Argov* 
#A must read book#

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