Monday 3 February 2014


If you're reading this book, I’ll assume you're already dating age or at the prime peak "married :)". Somehow you should have encountered some of these issues during your dating era; if not, then this is your lucky day, because you get all the early warning signs that "he/she's not that into you"

 -She's not on her toes around you
-She doesn't laugh at your jokes
-She brings up other women
-She won't bend to your will
-She uses the F-word
-She stays away from you in public
-She asks for favors a little too much
-She doesn't lay a finger on you
-She gushes over other men and flirts with them in front of you
-Every compliment is brushed off politely without you realising it
-You address her as sweetie or something but she addresses you by name
-You say 'I missed you' and she says 'thanks'
-She brings a friend when she's supposed to meet you
-You are her personal punching bag
- She touches you and still finds it meaningless

Ponder points
Most young people in this generation are misguided when it comes to relationships. They tend to be delusional into forcing relations; mostly due to desperation for attention and money; consequently women especially end up used and abused, and that’s when the harsh reality kicks in.

Have enough self value to walk away when you’re not happy in a relationship, life is too short.

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