Monday 3 February 2014


A place where socially amazing people of different ages ,locations backgrounds and cultures; gather to share ideas, laugh and talk about anything, nothing and everything; all at the same time. It’s a Comfortable space, it’s a hideaway for 5 minutes of insanity” - Tendai Marjory

So many might be asking, so what is the whole idea behind the "Doctor's Office" ?Well..

The Doctor's Office Is a facebook social group that was created in March 2011 just by mere coincidence or accident. I used be a pseudo “DrPhil” back in the days where my facebook friends would send me private messages (inbox) telling me about issues they were facing in their personal lives and I would give advice and counsel them through it all. I did this by posting the issue on my facebook wall so that people would comment with their individual perspectives pertaining to that matter, with the identification of the “patient” hidden of course. This way we got different views from people who could give logical advice and some who could counsel based on their past experience, so overall it would turn into a constructive discussion and beneficial to the person at hand

Well this setup worked well until the issue became too explicit for my facebook wall, I had a lot of “faint at heart” people complaining that’s my posts were now socially “disturbing”. So to curb this small challenge I decided to keep all discussions in the message inbox, I would only tag the guys who regularly and where most likely to comment on the topic, but this also became a problem because many people felt they were now being left out of the loop. Their argument was that they also learnt something from the discussions although they were shy” to comment and contribute to it. That’s where one of the guys came up with the idea of starting a private facebook group and we individually add interested parties, “The Doctors Office” was born!

The growth of this group has been phenomenal over the past year, now on 1500 members, although we've had many interesting high and very low moments. Some of the group pioneers left the group saying that it had lost its plot and was now offensive and all about sex; that’s one of the challenges that you'll face when you deal with young adults, they just love to talk about sex. The rules are simple “no explicit pictures or hate speech” and I've had to block a lot of people for breaking the rules; there has to be some control measures right!!

The office has seen it all love, fights, breakups , joy , tears but above all a lot of solid friendships have been formed. People that you've never met, but you know you can rely on if you're ever in need and stuck in their city, that’s how “like-family” we've grown. I've had the privilege of meeting most of the Docs in Harare and Bulawayo at the get-togethers and its always been awesome. It was interesting to meet in person for the first time, the fun and crazy people that you usually interact with in the group

The Doctors Office has taught me who to make friends, I've leant to embrace and adapt to different characters and cultures. You'll always learn something every day from the people's posts in the office, what they are going through in their lives and how they are handling the issues. I’m always humbled to see someone grow in the office, growth in wisdom, self-confidence, self-esteem, morally, maturity socially and in terms of general responsibility

There isn’t a day that passes by without me logging into the office, to post something and just to laugh or comment on the topics. I can safely say I had an Office addiction, a craving to see what’s trending and what everyone's up to. You get a lot of serious topics where someone is genuinely seeking help but then you also get a lot of crazy lighter moments where everyone is laughing and joking around. There's never a dull moment :)

I love and appreciate all the guys who contribute to the forum and keep it alive daily, 

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