Monday 3 February 2014

3.6 Tips to Understanding Women in Relationships

 Men also have the same tendency of going to their friends in the bar when they and are having problems with their woman. To a man, women appear as sometimes too emotional and their needs and wants seems exaggerated. This is written by women for the husbands and boyfriends who wants to tighten the bond in their relationships

Regardless of what people would have you believe, women can be understood. There are only a few things that you need to understand about women in relationships. These tips will help you to make her happier and to be more successful and joyful in your relationships.

    1. Women are very up and down. Women are like a roller coaster when it comes to emotion, decisions, and every area of their life. Women also want a man who is firm. That is why women go for the men who treat them horribly. They know what to expect from that type of man and he will always let her know where he stands.
    1. Women they need to feel secure, special and important. They need to feel like they are the most important and special person in your world, especially when it comes to women. If you aren't taking the time to do little things to let her know you are thinking about her, especially when you are apart, she will hit one of those emotional roller coasters. Do yourself a favor, make sure you are leaving notes, calling her on your lunch break, and wrapping your arms around her as she does the dishes.
    1. Women want security. Women want to at least feel secure in their relationship. This comes out in many different ways. Some women will stay with men that are horrible for them if that man is able to provide for them financially. For some women this is security. If you want to keep a woman be sure to provide mental and emotional security. She wants you to listen when she needs to talk, and that's all. Don't try to solve their problems, because they don't want you to solve their problems. Just provide the security by listening and being able and willing to solve it if she needs.

    1. Women may think the nice guy is a great man, but nice guys finish last because that doesn't turn a woman on. A woman wants a man who can do them mentally. They want a man who will not always give them what they want, and won't be predictable for when he will and won't give her what she wants. She doesn't want a man who will bow down and kiss her shoes, all the time.

    1. A woman wants a man who can keep her on her toes mentally. She likes the game, and the challenge. This doesn't mean you should manipulate or use her or play games with her, but instead, that you should be able to give her the game she wants to play mentally. If you want to know about understanding women in relationships, understand their psychology and their needs.

    1. Women like to talk, but what men seem to forget is that as much as women like to talk, they liked to be listened to even more. You may think that there’s an awful lot of needless descriptions and detail in her conversations. And, maybe you could have made the same point in two sentences tops. But those details are important to a woman, and you can bet your bippy that two years later (when you receive your pop quiz on the subject) if you don’t remember these details you will hear the words, "See? You never listen to me!"

    1. Women expect you to "know". Your response is usually, "What? Am I a mind reader?" For some reason, this is very common. "I shouldn’t have to tell you!" is something only a woman would say. And you can be sure to hear it when she’s mad. Really, there’s nothing you can do in this situation other than to ask and wait. You’ll find out soon enough exactly what you did wrong.

    1. Women keep a list of your deeds - good or bad. It might not be on paper, but it’s all written down in her head. And don't let her forgetfulness at the grocery store fool you either. She may forget to buy toothpaste, but she'll never forget "what you said". Your "bad" deeds are sure to stay on that list for years and years, whereas, the good might only stick around for a couple of weeks - give or take a couple of weeks.

    1. Women are control freaks A man cannot expect to live peaceably with a woman until he relinquishes all say as to his place in the household - which, if he’s lucky, might include a spot on the couch.

    1. Women think they know what’s best for you, and will offer advice on everything from your golf game (even if she doesn’t play she can still offer some pointers – right?) to how you can move ahead in your job, right down to how you should handle the country if you happen to be President. Then, of course, there’s the small stuff, like what you should eat, what you should wear, and what to do for your cold. I think it’s called "nurturing".

    1. What she really means :

  • "FINE": This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use "fine" to describe how a woman looks. This will cause you to have one of "those" arguments.
  • "FIVE MINUTES": This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you pay attention to her again, so it's usually an even trade.
  • "NOTHING": This means "something" and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and will end with the word "Fine".
  • "GO AHEAD" (With Raised Eyebrows): This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the word "Fine".
  • "GO AHEAD" (Normal Eyebrows): This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care". You will get a "Raised Eyebrow Go Ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine", and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.

  • WHEN A WOMAN SAYS - "I want a sensitive guy..."
WHAT SHE REALLY MEANS IS -"I want a guy who can be sensitive to MY feelings."
She does NOT want a guy who is sensitive in the way of breaking down in tears on a regular basis, or always "Sharing his feelings and heart" with a woman”
  • WHEN A WOMAN SAYS - "Yeah, sure, let's go out this weekend. Give me a call on Saturday afternoon to confirm the plan."
WHAT SHE REALLY MEANS IS - "I'm not really interested, or I'm waiting for better plans to come up. But I don't want to say 'no' and shatter your hopes, so I'll take the easy way out on the phone, and when you call on Saturday, I won't answer. I hope you'll take the hint."
  • WHEN A WOMAN SAYS - "I'm not ready for a relationship..." or "I think we should just be friends..."
WHAT SHE REALLY MEANS IS -"You seem more like a brother or a 'nice guy' to me, and you're just not raising my feelings of attraction. I don't feel any spark of chemistry. Mostly because you don't seem all that exciting, or I feel like you've got an agenda."

Ponder points
-Appreciate women for whom and what they are. They are not men and don't want to be.

-Tell them you appreciate them.

-Women want to look beautiful for you. Acknowledge their efforts and tell them they are beautiful.

-A woman's heart gives love unconditionally. Reciprocate by telling them you love them.

-A woman's eyes see the best of you. Be your best at all times.

-Women want to love their man and show it through loyalty, trust, support and nurturing.

Every woman is different and not all tips will apply. As a man, it’s important to respect that - what may have worked with your ex may not work with your current woman. Men need to learn their women, discover what sets them off and what gets them going and vice-versa That's the beauty of love. For me...I seek companionship in a guy, plus we have to be compatible on values, religion, background etc. Understand, respect and support the things that are important to me.. and I'm all yours. Yeah, flowers, notes, calling etc is all appreciated in the early stages of a relationship (and on special occasions) but after 5years that all becomes normal and my guy needs to bring something more meaningful and fulfilling to the table. ( and so do I) When a guys asks for my opinion/advice that means more to me than leaving notes. I still think leaving notes it cute” - Tendai Marjory

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