Monday 30 December 2013


i look up at the pitch black sky,
which is brought to life by the twinkling stars,
smiling down at me,
and comforting me,
they emancipate my soul,
and fill my heart with light and hope.

Hope to see your face again,
hope for a second chance to make things right,
hope to relive what we once shared,
hope for a dream to come true,
but most of all, hope for a miracle.

Like the answer to a prayer,
the sun peaks over the horizon,
and it's rays swallows up the darkness,
but i still see you not.
Despite these odds,
my hope remains unshaken.

Its the morning of a new day,
a new beginning,
the dawn of new hopes and dreams.
Hoping that i'll find you again,
hoping that my prayers will come true,
and hoping that we'll be together,

The rays of the rising sun shine down on me,
lighting up my road of hope,
consoling my soul,
and re-assuring me,
that one faithful day, i will rise.
Rise to be with the one i love.
But all i have to keep me going now
is my heart,
my soul,
and HOPE

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